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. 2021 Mar 6;10(5):1101. doi: 10.3390/jcm10051101

Table 1.

Summary of preclinical studies on Sonodynamic Therapy for gliomas.

Sonosensitizer Title Authors Journal; Year
5-Aminolevulinic Acid Sonodynamic therapy with 5-aminolevulinic acid and focused ultrasound for deep-seated intracranial glioma in rat Ohmura et al.
Anticancer Res.
2011 Jul;31(7):2527-33.
5-Aminolevulinic Acid Sono-dynamically induced antitumor effects of 5-aminolevulinic acid and fractionated ultrasound irradiation in an orthotopic rat glioma model Jeong et al.
Ultrasound Med Biol.
2012 Dec;38(12):2143-50.
5-Aminolevulinic Acid Porphyrin derivatives-mediated sonodynamic therapy for malignant gliomas in vitro Endo et al.
Ultrasound Med Biol.
2015 Sep;41(9):2458-65.
5-Aminolevulinic Acid 5-Aminolevulinic acid-mediated sono-sensitization of rat RG2 glioma cells in vitro Bilmin et al.
Folia Neuropathol.
5-Aminolevulinic Acid Hyper-thermotherapy enhances antitumor effect of 5-aminolevulinic acid-mediated sonodynamic therapy with activation of caspase-dependent apoptotic pathway in human glioma Ju et al.
Tumour Biol.
2016 Aug;37(8):10415-26.
5-Aminolevulinic Acid Enhancement of antitumor activity by using 5-ALA–mediated sonodynamic therapy (SDT) to induce apoptosis in malignant gliomas: significance of high-intensity focused ultrasound on 5-ALA-SDT in a mouse glioma model Suehiro et al.
J Neurosurg.
2018 Dec 1;129(6):1416-1428.
5-Aminolevulinic Acid MR-guided Focused Ultrasound Facilitates sonodynamic therapy with 5-Aminolevulinic Acid in a Rat Glioma Model Wu et al.
Sci Rep.
2019 Jul 18;9(1):10465.
5-Aminolevulinic Acid Sonodynamic therapy for malignant glioma using 220-khz transcranial magnetic resonance imaging-guided focused ultrasound and 5-aminolevulinic acid Yoshida et al.
Ultrasound Med Biol.
2019 Feb;45(2):526-538.
5-Aminolevulinic Acid Low Frequency Ultrasonication Induced Antitumor Effect in 5-Aminolevulinic Acid Treated Malignant Glioma Yamaguchi et al.
J Cancer Ther.
Fluorescein Fluorescein-mediated sonodynamic therapy in a rat glioma model Prada et al.
J Neurooncol.
2020 Jul;148(3):445-454.
Rose Bengal Sonodynamic Therapy Consisting of Focused Ultrasound and a Photosensitizer Causes a Selective Antitumor Effect in a Rat Intracranial Glioma Model Nonaka et al.
Anticancer Res.
2009 Mar;29(3):943-50.
Hematoporphyrin Mono-Methil Ether Study of the mechanism of sonodynamic therapy in a rat glioma model Song et al.
Onco Targets Ther.
2014 Sep 30;7:1801-10.
Hematoporphyrin Mono-Methil Ether In vitro study of low intensity ultrasound combined with different doses of photodynamic therapy (PDT): Effects on C6 glioma cells Li et al.
Oncol Lett.
2013 Feb;5(2):702-706.
Hematoporphyrin Mono-Methil Ether In vitro study of hematoporphyrin monomethyl ether-mediated sonodynamic effects on C6 glioma cells Li et al.
Neurol Sci.
2008 Sep;29(4):229-35.
Hematoporphyrin Mono-Methil Ether In vitro stimulation of calcium overload and apoptosis by sonodynamic therapy combined with hematoporphyrin monomethyl ether in C6 glioma cells Dai et al.
Oncol Lett.
2014 Oct;8(4):1675-1681.
Hema-toporphyrin Mono-Methil Ether Calcium overload induces C6 rat glioma cell apoptosis in sonodynamic therapy Li et al.
Int J Radiat Biol.
2011 Oct;87(10):1061-6.
Hematoporphyrin Mono-Methil Ether Apoptotic effect of sonodynamic therapy mediated by hematoporphyrin monomethyl ether on C6 glioma cells in vitro Dai et al.
Acta Neurochir (Wien).
2009 Dec;151(12):1655-61.
Hematoporphyrin Mono-Methil Ether Calcium Overload and in vitro Apoptosis of the C6 Glioma Cells Mediated by Sonodynamic Therapy (Hematoporphyrin monomethyl ether and ultrasound) Hao et al.
Cell Biochem Biophys.
2014 Nov;70(2):1445-52.
Sino-porphyrin Theragnostic nano-sensitizers for highly efficient MR/fluorescence imaging-guided sonodynamic therapy of gliomas. Liu et al.
J Cell Mol Med.
2018 Nov;22(11):5394-5405
Sino-porphyrin Sonodynamic Therapy on Intracranial Glioblastoma Xenografts Using Sino-porphyrin Sodium Delivered by Ultrasound with Microbubbles. Pi et al.
Ann Biomed Eng.
2019 Feb;47(2):549-562.
Sino-porphyrin Tumor targeting DVDMS-nanoliposomes for an enhanced sonodynamic therapy of gliomas. Sun et al.
Biomater Sci.
2019 Feb 26;7(3):985-994.
Sino-porphyrin Sino-porphyrin sodium is a promising sensitizer for photodynamic and sonodynamic therapy in glioma. An et al.
Oncol Rep.
2020 Oct;44(4):1596-1604.
Photofrin Glioma stem-like cells are less susceptible than glioma cells to sonodynamic therapy with photofrin Xu et al.
Technol Cancer Res Treat.
Photofrin The ABCG2 transporter is a key molecular determinant of the efficacy of sonodynamic therapy with photofrin in glioma stem-like cells. Ultrasonics Xu et al.
Photolon Effects of combined sonodynamic and photodynamic therapies with photolon on a glioma C6 tumor model Tserkovsky et al. [77] Exp Oncol.
Photolon Photolon enhancement of ultrasound cytotoxicity Tserkovsky et al. [78] Exp Oncol.
2011 Jun;33(2):107-9.
Photolon Imaging-guided focused ultrasound-induced thermal and sonodynamic effects of nano-sonosensitizers for synergistic enhancement of glioblastoma therapy Wan et al.
Biomater Sci.
2019 Jun 25;7(7):3007-3015.