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. 2021 Mar 5;13(5):1126. doi: 10.3390/cancers13051126

Figure 2.

Figure 2

Murine MSC derived from bone marrow of a C57BL/6J mouse was harvested and molecular karyotyped at crisis phase at passage 9 (AC) and the next passage (P10) after transformation (DF) using COBRA-FISH. In all panels, both numerical and structural chromosomal alterations are visible. Arrows indicate involved chromosomes and rearranged chromosomes are listed per panel from top to bottom and from left to right: (A) Centromeric fragment, der(4)t(4;7), der(7)t(3;7), (B) der(16)t(13;16), del(3), centromeric fragment, del(13), der(3)t(3;12), (C) der(18)t(4;18), der(18)t(4;18), del(3), der(7)t(3;7), (D) centromeric fragment, der(7)t(3;7), der(18)t(4;18), der(18)t(4;18), (E) der(7)t(3;7), der(18)t(4;18), ace(17), der(18)t(4;18), dic(17;17), (F) centromeric fragment, acentric chromosome from chromosome 2-3-2 fusion, der(3)t(2;3), acentric chromosome from chromosome 2-3-2 fusion, fragment of chromosome 3, centromeric fragment, centromeric fragment, dic(5;11), centromeric fragment. COBRA-RGB-color images were superimposed with DAPI (grey) to visualize chromosome centromeric regions. Magnification 630×.