Dietary emulsifier consumption promotes intestinal tumors in APCmin male mice. Seven-week-old WT and APCmin male mice were exposed to drinking water containing CMC or P80 (1.0%) for 15 weeks. (A) Colon weights, (B) colon lengths, (C) spleen weights, (D) number of colonic tumors, (E) total colonic tumor surface determined with an ocular micrometer-fitted dissecting microscope, (F) number of colonic tumors based on their size, (G) number of small-intestine tumors, (H) total small-intestine tumor surface determined with an ocular micrometer-fitted dissecting microscope, (I) number of small-intestine tumors based on their size. Data are the means +/− S.E.M. (n = 6 for the WT–CTRL group, 6 for the APCmin–CTRL group, 5 for the WT–CMC group, 7 for the APCmin–CMC group, 7 for the WT–P80 group and 6 for the APCmin–P80 group). Significance was determined using one-way group ANOVA with a Bonferroni test (* indicates statistical significance).