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. 2021 Mar 5;22(5):2647. doi: 10.3390/ijms22052647

Table 1.

List of Zyxin family proteins containing LIM domain, their functions and biochemical properties.

Protein (UNIPROT ID) Cellular Role * Cellular
Isoelectric Point 1 Amino Acids/
Molecular Weight (kDa) 1
LIM DoMain Full Protein LIM Domain
Zyxin (Q15942) Adhesion plague protein, signal transducer Cytoskeleton, cytosol and nucleus 6.22 7.16 572/61.27 189/21.10
LimD1 (Q9UGP4) Cell fate determination and a tumour suppressor Predominantly in nucleus, P- body 6.20 5.90 676/72.19 195/21.87
Ajuba (Q96IF1) Cell fate determination and repression of gene transcription Cell membrane, cytoskeleton, centrosome, nucleus, P- body 6.86 5.81 538/56.93 195/21.87
Maintains cell shape, motility, and activation of gene transcription Cell membrane and nucleus 7.18 6.78 612/65.74 190/21.15
WTIP (A6NIX2) Cell fate determination, repression of gene transcription, and miRNA-mediated gene silencing Nucleus, P- body 8.53 7.50 430/45.12 195/21.80
FBLIM1 (Q8WUP2) Cell-ECM adhesion proteins and filamin-containing actin filaments Focal adhesion sites 5.71 7.79 373/40.66 190/21.70
TRIP6 (Q15654) Relays signals from the cell surface to the nucleus Focal adhesion sites, cytoplasm, nucleus 7.19 6.06 476/50.28 188/20.49

* = Information retrieved from UniprotKB; 1 = Calculated using ProtParam.