Sucrose SA and extinction training did not alter the capacity to induce LTD. A, Sucrose SA and extinction behavior, N = 5. B, Time course of synaptic response to LTD induction. Black line corresponds to the mean response to the LTD protocol in vehicle controls (Ctrl) from Figure 1D. Inset above: sample average pre- and post-traces for LTD experiment in a cell from a sucrose-treated animal. NAcore MSNs showed robust LTD in sucrose-extinguished animals which was comparable with Ctrl (Holm-Sidak post hoc: Ctrl vs Suc, P = .809; see Table S3). C, Bar graph illustrating significant LTD expression in the Sucrose group (average LTD in control group indicated as dashed line) *P < .05, t(6) = 4.331 comparing baseline response with 15 to 25 minutes after LTD induction protocol