Figure 2.
(a) Functionalization of gold screen-printed electrodes with three different types of vancomycin-modified highly branched polymers (HB-PNIPAM-A, B, C; see Table 1) shown by increased Rct values after polymer immobilization on electrodes that were tested before and after (with baseline, grey bars) and only after polymer attachment (without baseline, red bars) compared to the Rct values of bare, unmodified gold electrodes (blue bars), respectively; data are presented as mean ± standard error of the mean (SEM); n = 3. (b) EIS Nyquist plot of an unmodified, bare gold electrode (blue line + symbol) and an electrode tested after functionalization with the HB-PNIPAM-Van-C polymer without an initial baseline EIS measurement (red line + symbol); the green lines show the fitted data using the Randles equivalent circuit model.