IL-10 reverses cisplatin treatment-induced nociceptor hyperactivity by reducing the incidence of spontaneous activity (SA) in dissociated sensory neurons. A. Examples of SA in isolated DRG neurons 10 days after the first injection of PBS or cisplatin. Recombinant IL-10 (10 ng/ml) was added 15–30 min before recording. B, C. Percentage of neurons exhibiting SA at RMP (B) and ongoing activity (OA) when held at −45 mV (C) are increased in cisplatin-treated mice. IL-10 bath application significantly attenuated the effects of cisplatin on the incidence of SA but not OA (B). The ratio above each bar indicates the number of neurons with SA or OA/total sampled (PBS-treated mice n=3 and cisplatin n=6). For SA incidence comparisons, Fisher’s exact test, p<0.001 PBS vs cisplatin and p<0.01 cisplatin vs cisplatin + IL-10. For OA, Fisher’s exact test, p<0.0001 PBS vs cisplatin. Data are shown as mean ± SEM.