Fig. 1.
Specific expression of Lef1 in the DG stem cells. a Immunohistochemical staining for Lef1 colabeled with Blbp (glial stem cells), Tbr2 (transit amplifying cells) and Prox1 (granule neurons) in the DG at P15. b Colocalization of Lef1 and GFP reporter driven by Gli1-CreERt2. The upper panel shows the DG stained with Lef1 and GFP reporter recombined by Gli1-CreERt2 with a single TM injection at P15 analyzed at P17. Higher-magnification images of the boxed area are shown in the lower panel. Immunochemical analysis of the SGZ was performed using anti-GFP with BrdU (1 h) and Lef1. DAPI is used as counterstain (blue). Scale bars = 200 μm. c, d Percentages of Lef1-positive cells costained with each marker (c) and of Lef1-positive cells with cell type markers and BrdU (1 h) at P17 (d) are presented. From 6 mice, 200 cells were counted for each marker (n = 6). Error bars indicate ±SEM. Statistical comparisons were performed by Student’s t test. *** p < 0.001.