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. 2021 Mar 16;28(6):645–659. doi: 10.3727/096504020X16076861118243

Table 3.


Patient 6 Patient 7 Patient 8 Patient 9 Patient 1 Patient 2 Patient 10 Patient 11 Patient 12
Age at FD 37 61 26 64 74 42 58 49 52
MM/YY FD 11/17 03/16 04/15 11/17 11/17 07/12 03/16 01/16 01/18
History of disease/time to recurrence (months) 1. surgery, RCTX/5;
2. loc rec -> surgery/2;
3. loc rec -> surgery/3;
4. loc rec -> CTX (carboplatin/paclitaxel/bevacizumab)/4;
5. loc and dist rec-> ctx with mitomycin/capecitabine/3;
6. loc PD: pembrolizumab/4;
7. loc and dist PD: best supp care
1. surgery, RT/11;
2. dist rec -> CTX (cisplatin/topotecan)/9;
3. loc PD -> CTX (paclitaxel/bevacizumab)/13;
4. dist rec -> pembrolizumab/3; 5. dist PD -> best supp care
1. surgery, RTX/10;
2. loc rec -> surgery R0/3; 3. dist rec -> CTX (carboplatin/paclitaxel/bevacizumab)/6; DVT: end of bevacizumab, start pembrolizumab/3;
4. dist. rec -> CTX vinorelbine
1. surgery/11;
2. loc rec -> surgery (R1) -> RT/10; 3. loc and dist rec -> CTX (carboplatin/paclitaxel/bevacizumab)
1. surgery, adj. RT/6;
2. loc rec -> surgery R0/2;
3. loc rec -> surgery, R0, adj RCTX;
4. loc rec under ongoing RT -> CTX carboplatin/paclitaxel/bevacizumab/4;
5. dist rec -> erlotinib
1. surgery, adj. RCTX/8;
2. local and dist rec/4 (parallel) -> surgery, RCTX;
3. loc PD -> erlotinib/3; 4. Loc dist. PD -> CTX (carboplatin/paclitaxel/bevacizumab)/4
1. surgery/10;
2. loc rec -> RCTX/6;
3. loc rec -> surgery (R0) + CTX (cisplatin, paclitaxel)/10;
4. loc rec -> surgery (R1) -> RCTX/7;
5. loc PD -> CTX (carboplatin/paclitaxel/bevacizumab)/12;
6. loc PD -> CTX (paclitaxel mono)
1. surgery, adj. local ablative RT/8;
2. dist rec -> RT/7;
3. dist rec -> stereotactic irradiation/9;
4. dist PD -> CTX cisplatin/paclitaxel/bevacizumab
1. surgery -> RCTX/7;
2. loc rec -> CTX (carboplatin/paclitaxel/bevacizumab)/6 carboplatin/paclitaxel intolerance, bevacizumab maintenance;
3. loc rec -> olaparib (known BRCA mutation)
Disease at indication (tumor load) Local PD (Vulva) Local PD (Vulva) Distant metastasis (bone) Local and distant PD (right groin, liver) Local PD (vulva) Local and distant PD (right groin, skin) Local PD (right groin) Distant metastasis (lung, liver) Local PD (left groin)
HPV status Unknown Unknown Unknown Negative (p16−) Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown
Best response PD CR PD SD PR PD CR SD SD
Side effects Grade 2 CTCAE: high blood pressure Grade 2 CTCAE: pericardial effusion Grade 3 CTCAE: DVT Grade 2 CTCAE: diarrhea, lymphedema, high blood pressure Grade 3 CTCAE: high blood pressure None Grade 3 CTCAE: arterial bleeding right groin 2 months after end of bevacizumab None None
Dose reduction No No Yes, end of bevacizumab (DVT) No Yes, end of bevacizumab (high blood pressure resistant to therapy) No No No No
Time to progression 4 months 13 months 6 months Ongoing treatment 4 months 4 months 12 months Ongoing treatment 6 months
Time to death from FD Unknown Unknown 40 months Unknown Unknown 36 months 48 NA Unknown
Cause of death Unknown Unknown Tumor progression Unknown Unknown Tumor progression Tumor progression NA Unknown

adj., adjuvant; CTCAE, Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events; HPV, human papilloma virus; loc, local; dist, distant; rec, recurrence; MM/YY FD, month/year of first diagnosis; PD, progressive disease; RD, recurrent disease; SD, stable disease; CR, complete response; PR, partial response; FD, first diagnosis; CTX, chemotherapy; RT, radiotherapy; CRTX, chemoradiation; R0, tumor-free margins; R1, microscopic tumor residual; DVT, deep vein thrombosis.