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. 2010 Nov-Dec;31(10):1848–1852. doi: 10.3174/ajnr.A2199

Clinical and imaging characteristics of study population

Characteristics Patient
1 2 3 4 5 6
Age (yr)/sex 50/M 39/M 79/F 70/F 48/F 30/M
Presentation HA HA ICH ICH HA, SZ HA
    Side L R R R R R
    Ca2+ distributiona C + P C + Pb C + Pb C + P C + P C + P
CTA NA DVA, otherwise negative NA AVM, DVA; otherwise negative Large DVA with venous restriction NA
MR imaging
    Mass effect c
    T2 Change NA
    DVA drainage Deep Deep Deep Deep Deep Deep
    Venous restriction NA NA + NA
Additional features Ipsilateral prominence of frontal horn Ipsilateral prominence of frontal horn, Ipsilateral prominence of frontal horn, Ipsilateral prominence of frontal horn,
2nd DVA, periphery right frontal lobe Right frontal lobar ICH Right frontal/parietal lobar ICH

Note:— –indicates negative.


Preferential calcification of the caudate and anterior putamen was noted in all cases, with at least partial sparing of the anterior limb of the internal capsule.


Trace high density of the globus pallidus interna was noted, characteristic of senescent mineralization, involving the globus pallidus interna on the left in case 2 and bilaterally in case 3.


MR imaging was not available; cross-sectional assessment was performed by CT and CTA.