Fig 2.
A 72-year-old man with supraglottic laryngeal cancer. A, The standard neck CT images during quiet breathing at the supraglottic level show a mass involving the epiglottis and aryepiglottic fold bilaterally (arrows), extending slightly to the pre-epiglottic space. B, Axial image at the level of glottis shows normal abduction of the true vocal cord at the paramedial location. C and D, Coronal (C) and sagittal (D) reformatted images of the standard neck CT scan show an infiltrative tumor involving the supraglottic structures without transglottic extension. The true vocal cord appears normal (arrowhead). E and F, Dedicated laryngeal CT images with straw-blowing (E) and breath-holding (F) at the level of the true vocal cord show normal adduction of the vocal cord bilaterally during breath-holding (arrows) (F). Clinically, the vocal cord is mobile bilaterally. This is staged as T3 for pre-epiglottic extension.