Comparison of serum albumin levels between patients with PRES with cytotoxic edema and those only with vasogenic edema. A, A 26-year-old pregnant woman presented with eclampsia, with a serum albumin level of 37 mg/dL. Hyperintense abnormalities are found in bilateral frontoparietal lobes on FLAIR (left), hyperintense on DWI (middle) and hypointense on ADC (right), and are also noted in the right parietal lobe, indicating cytotoxic edema. B, A 22-year-old woman with systemic vasculitis with a serum albumin level of 34.2 mg/dL and blood pressure of 175/110 mm Hg at onset. Symmetric hyperintensities are found in the bilateral frontoparietal lobes on FLAIR (left), isointense on DWI (middle) and hyperintense on ADC (right), indicating vasogenic edema.