Fig 2.
Representative MR images of the recurrent tumor (37-year-old woman, status post left partial glossectomy) and posttreatment changes (63-year-old woman, status post right hemiglossectomy and postoperative radiation therapy) from treated squamous cell carcinoma of the tongue. A, Postcontrast T1-weighted images and DWI with standard and high b-values. The recurrent tumor shows high signal intensity on the DWI in both standard and high b-values. In contrast, the signal intensity of posttreatment changes on the high-b-value DWI is not increased. B, Corresponding ADC maps show lower ADC values in the recurrent tumor than those in the posttreatment changes on the standard b-value DWI. Color-coded ADCratio maps demonstrate that the ADCratio is much increased in the recurrent tumor.