A 4-day-old female neonate with respiratory depression and possible seizures. The pyramidal decussation (circle tipped arrows) is visibly myelinated (bright) on GRE-T1WI (A and B) but was rated as “questionably myelinated” (ie, scored ± by both reviewers on SE-T2WI (C and D). In contrast, the spinal tract of V (open arrowheads) was considered to be “definitely myelinated” (ie, scored +) by both reviewers on SE-T2WI, while it was considered to be only “questionably myelinated” on GRE-T1WI. The ICP (double arrows) appeared clearly myelinated on both sequences. On SE-T1WI (not shown), myelination was not visible (ie, scored as −) by either reviewer in the aforementioned structures in this patient. The ICP was the 1 structure that was clearly myelinated in all neonates on SE-T2WI and was better visualized as being “definitely myelinated” (ie, scored +) on SE-T2WI compared with both GRE-T1WI and SE-T1WI.