Different types of neurons in the dLGN extend cilia.
(a) Example of a dLGN neuron (NeuN, cyan) extending a cilium (Arl13b, magenta). Centrioles labeled with GFP (yellow) and nuclei labeled with DAPI (white). Arrowhead indicates neuronal primary cilia.
(b) Quantification of ciliated dLGN cells that express the neuronal marker NeuN. Mean ± SEM. n = 86 P33/38, n = 148 P77 total cilia counted
(c) Quantification of dLGN neurons that have cilia. Mean ± SEM. n = 43 P33/38, n = 248 P77 total neurons counted
(d) Quantification of cilia length in non-neuronal and neuronal dLGN. n = 15 NeuN−, n = 18 NeuN+ P33/38 cilia; n = 57 NeuN−, n = 28 NeuN+ P77 total cilia measured
(e) Binned distribution of cilia length in non-neuronal cells and neurons in SC. The x-axis represents bin centers.
(f) Representative photomicrograph showing a cilium (AC3, magenta) extending from a P64 gabaergic dLGN neuron (GFP, green). Nuclei labeled with DAPI (blue). Arrowheads indicate co-expression of GFP and AC3.
(g) Percent of gabaergic neurons with cilia at P64. n = 49 total GAD67+ cells counted
(h) Representative photomicrograph showing cilia (AC3, green) extending from P38 CamKIIa expressing neurons (magenta) in the dLGN. Nuclei labeled with DAPI (blue). Arrowheads indicate co-expression of CamKIIa and AC3.
(i) Percent of CamKIIa neurons in the dLGN with cilia at P38. n = 104 total CamKIIa+ cells counted
Scale bar: (a, f): 5μm; (h): 10μm