Table 1.
Summary of Included Studies
Lead Author | Date | Design | Method | Setting | Sample | Change Management Method | Objective | Key Findings |
Abd El-Shafy48 | 2019 | Quantitative | Administrative data | Paediatric trauma Surgery Unit, New York, USA | All department and staff | Lewin’s change model | To reduce nonsurgical trauma admission rate and better align resources to provide care for injured children | Reduction of nonsurgical admission of trauma patients from 30% to 3% and Reduction in length of stay by 21% |
Alonso29 | 2013 | Qualitative | Quality indicators | Medway Maritime Hospital emergency department (ED), Kent, UK | Employees working in the emergency department | Kotter’s 8-step | Address problems and inefficiencies with the triage system and to meet the latest ED quality clinical indicators | After six weeks, nursing staff decided to adopt navigation for 24 a day because it allowed them to identify high risk patients on arrival, and make quicker and safer assessments |
Andersen30 | 2013 | Quantitative | Interrupted prospective method (time series analysis | Bispeberg Teaching hospital, Denmark | 510 beds - Hospital level data | Kotter’s 8-step | To optimise the use of antimicrobial medications | Immediate and sustained reduction in the use of cefuroxime, and an increase in the use of ertapenem, piperacillin/tazobactam and beta-lactamase sensitive penicillin, Although the consumption remained unaffected *instead maybe: an alternative approach to contain a problem with resistant bacteria that does not require ongoing antimicrobial stewardship was developed which resulted in a sustained change in the consumption of antimicrobials and a decreasing rate of ESBL-KP |
Balluck60 | 2020 | Case study | Case study | State based healthcare system, US | 25 hospitals | ADKAR and CLARC Change Models | Discuss the methodological journey of transition from primary to team nursing. | The nurse executive deployed a successful transition for the new nurse care model using ADKAR and CLARC change models. |
Baloh31 | 2018 | Qualitative | Semi-structured interview | Rural hospitals in Iowa, USA | 17 small rural hospitals; 47 key informants | Kotter’s 8-step | Implementation of team STEPPS | In half the hospitals, performance of the initial phase influenced the success of the other phases. In the other half, success was dependent on the scope of implementation and the strategies utilised. |
Bousquet32 | 2019 | Quantitative | Research and obtained data | ARIA organisation | Hospitals using ARIA | Kotter’s 8-step | Providing an active and healthy life to patients with rhinitis and to those with asthma multimorbidity across the lifecycle irrespective of their sex or socioeconomic status to reduce health and social inequities incurred by the disease | ARIA Phases 1 and 2 were developed in accordance to the Kotter 8-step change model and can be used as a model of CM in patients with chronic diseases. However, there are still unmet needs for the management of rhinitis and asthma in real life. |
Bowers49 | 2011 | Mixed methods | Autoethnography and audit | Community nurses seeing housebound patients | Seven community nurses | Lewin’s change model | Health gain; and encourage a new culture of clinical care | Increase in team engagement, teamwork and open discussion. Presence of a revert back into the handwritten caseload due to a lack in continues driving force thereby making resistance forces increase. |
Bradley50 | 2013 | Mixed method | Quasi-experimental and Ethnographic interviewing | 3 Acute wards in 3 rural hospitals in South Australia | Nine self-selected inpatients and forty-eight self-selected nurses | Lewin’s change model | to empirically explore the process and outcome of implementation of nurse-to-nurse bedside handover | Patients preferred bedside handover rather than closed-door office handover approach, improving the patient/health provider relationship. Also, the level of patient involvement increased. |
Burden33 | 2016 | quantitative | Pre-post surveillance data analysis | A NHS Trust, UK (not identified) | Surgical team | Kotter’s 8-step | To improve breast surgical site infection rates | Overall surgical site infection rate fell from 7% to 2% with inpatient and readmission rates dropping from 2.2% to 0% |
Carman34 | 2019 | Qualitative | Interviews | Rural health centre, US | 21 interviews with administrators, physicians, support staff, care-coordinators |
Kotter’s 8-Step Process | To understand and evaluate significant organizational change improve preventive care service delivery, close care gaps, and reduce health disparities among its patients. |
Steps 1 through 7 of Kotter’s 8 steps of change in the POE implementation process showed evidence. Step 8, anchoring new approaches in the organizational culture, was an area for improvement |
Chaboyer51 | 2009 | Qualitative | Semi-structured interview and survey | Regional hospital, Queensland, Australia | Patients and 27 Nurses | Lewin’s change model | Improving patient-centred care through bedside handover in nursing | Support from shift coordinators and team leaders, Improved patient safety,efficiency, teamwork and improved patient outcome through bedside handover |
Champion35 | 2017 | quantitative | Surveys | Ottowa Hospital, Canada | Frontline staff in surgical unit | Kotter’s 8-step | To target high surgical site infection rates | Implementation of improved communication methods has resulted in short term wins. |
Detwiller66 | 2014 | Qualitative | Observation | Interior Health, British Columbia, Canada | Multiple database | C.A.P. model | Moving a large healthcare organization from an old, non-standardized clinical information system to a new user-friendly standards-based system. | For a change to be successful, there must be authentic, committed leadership visible to everyone within the organization throughout the duration of an initiative. Leading change activities included having a sponsor or champion and team members who demonstrated visible, active, public commitment and were supportive of the change. |
Dort36 | 2020 | Quantitative | Eight KPIs | Academic Teaching Hospital, Canada | Head and Neck surgery Department | Kotter’s 8-Step Process | Outline and describe a quality management program | Demonstrated sustained high clinical performance when compared to a non-pathway managed cohort using 7 years of prospective outcomes data. |
Dredge37 | 2017 | Mixed Methods | Working party and survey | Calvary Health Care Bethlehem community palliative care service, NSW, Australia |
Nurses in an outpatient palliative care service | Kotter’s 8-step | To change anticipatory medicine practices in palliative care | Study identified carers found it difficult to attend training however, found the step by step instructions useful to administer medicines in a timely manner without a nurse. |
Gazarin59 | 2020 | Quasi-experimental | Surveillance data | Rural Teaching Hospital, Canada | 224 patients with urinary catheters | Influencer Change Model and the Choosing Wisely Canada toolkit |
To create a bundle of interventions that would reduce the unnecessary use of urinary catheters in hospitalised patients |
There was gradual improvement during PDSA cycle 2, with the percentage of inappropriate urinary catheter use dropping from an initial 31% before any interventions to less than 5% by the end of this study. |
Hennerby65 | 2011 | Quantitative | Competency assessment tool | Acute children’s hospital, Dublin, Ireland | Registered general agency nurses | Young’s nine stage framework | Implementation of a competency assessment tool for registered general agency nurses | 18% of agency nurses scored below expected standard and were not employed. Communication with agency provider and undertaking of competency assessment to check for experience and skills before employing agency nurses |
Henry38 | 2017 | Quantitative | Surveys | a 533 bed hospital in Pennsylvania, USA | Frontline staff in a 98 bed maternity ward | Kotter’s 8-step | To increase enculturation of frontline maternity staff with Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative practices. | Kotter's principles provided the structure to achieve the necessary changes to attitudes and behaviours. Intervention resulted in increased mothers breastfeeding on discharge and improved use of community support groups helped the maintenance of breast milk as the primary nutrition for newborns post discharge |
Hopkins39 | 2015 | Quantitative | Administrative data | New Jersey Hospital Association and the Greater New York Hospital Association, USA | Physicians in both hospital | Kotter’s 8-step | Achieve a successful gainsharing culture which capitalizes on creativity, knowledge and problem-solving ability | Resolving problems related to large-scale implementation, operation, and administration of gainsharing, achieved improvements in efficiency, promoted patient safety and quality of care, provided support for care redesign saving $822 per admission on average. |
Jacelon52 | 2011 | Qualitative | Unstructured interview | Jewish Geriatric Services, Massachusett, America | Multidisciplinary health team and residents | Lewin’s change model | Creating a model which can be used to organize the entire system including the residential facilities and nursing components. | Implementing the JGS-CCM with Lewin’s model has transformed the way care is provided; framework of interaction and communication between informed residents, families and knowledgeable interdisciplinary teams led by nurses resulted in better patient centred care |
John40 | 2017 | Quantitative | Administrative data on service user access | Kent and Medway NHS and Social Care Partnership Trust, UK |
nurses in acute inpatient mental health units |
Kotter’s 8-step | Setting up recovery clinics and promoting service user involvement | Initial results show that the initiative has driven an increase involvement between nurses and service users. |
Kuhlman63 | 2019 | Quantitative | Surveillance data | State Hospital, US | 200,691 patients identified as adults with chest pain | Advent Health Clinical Transformation (ACT) cycle. | Develop a clinical pathway for management of adults with chest pain in ED | Baseline-Year was compared with the Performance-Year, chest pain patients discharged from the ED increased by 99%, those going to the ‘Observation’ status decreased by 20%, and inpatient admissions decreased by 63% (p b 0.0001) |
Lin56 | 2011 | Multi-method | Documentation, direct observation, physical artefacts, interviews, progress metrics | 4 medical-surgical units in two Northern California Kaiser Permanente hospitals (Sacramento and Clara), USA | 150 participants from multi-disciplinary groups | Cake model, Concerns-Based, and Lewin’s Model | How to implement and spread service design concept (Nurse Knowledge Exchange) in large, complex organizations | Application of change management theories resulted in a redesign of implementation methods and inspired a more human-centred approach to spread the service design concept |
Manchester53 | 2014 | 2 Case studies | Chart reviews and Cohorts | Geriatric Education Centres in Maine and Virginia USA | All stakeholders e.g medical director, nurse director, registered nurse, chief nurse officer for the hospital, pharmacists, social workers, physical therapist, clerk and administrative assistant | Lewin’s change model | To understand the contextual factors themselves, surrounding health professions’ ability to change and adopted practices to be sustained | Early involvements of stakeholders and the planning for both the intended and unintended effects can improve the likelihood of change. |
Mork47 | 2018 | Qualitative | Pre- and postintervention staff surveys, quality indicators, leadership rounding | 592 Academic Medical centre, Wisconsin, USA | 24-bed medical/surgical intensive care unit | Kotter’s 8-step | To describe the process of implementing and sustaining complementary quality initiatives in a medical surgical, level 1 trauma intensive care unit (ICU) | Active partnership with the patient and the family during these changes promoted a strong intensive care unit culture of patient- and family-centred care |
Radtke54 | 2013 | Qualitative | Survey and Interview | Medical/surgical intermediate care unit, Wisconsin, USA | Patients and Nurses | Lewin’s change model | To determine if standardizing shift report improves patient satisfaction with nursing communication | A rise in patient satisfaction in nursing communication to 87.6%, an increase from 75% in the previous 6 months |
Rafman41 | 2013 | Quantitative | Outcome measures | Emergency department, 977 bed national hospital, Singapore, | Emergency department | Kotter’s 8-step | To provide timelier access to inpatient and urgent outpatient specialist care for emergency patients. To influence multiple stakeholders to modify their traditional practices and sustain changes. | Specialist outpatient appointments given within the timeframe requested by the ED doctor increased from 51.7% to 80.8%. Early discharges increased from 11.9% to 26.6% and were sustained at 27.2%. 84% of eligible patients received earlier defined specialist care at the ED. The change management achieved excellent clinician compliance rates ranging from 84% to 100%. Median wait for admission remained unchanged. |
Reddeman42 | 2016 | Qualitative | Documentation, direct observation, physical artefacts, interviews, progress metrics and adaptation | Cancer Care Ontario, Canada | 14 regional cancer centres | Kotter’s 8-step | To increase peer review of plans for patients receiving radical intent RT. | The initiative is ongoing, but early results indicate that the proportion of radical intent RT courses peer reviewed province wide increased from 43.5% (April 2013) to 68.0% in (March 2015) |
Sale64 | 2019 | Case study | Not available | Radiology department, Australia | Radiotherapy department staff | Riches four-stage model of change | To describe the successful move of the radiation therapy department to its new site |
The move to the new site was a great success with a transition period working across two sites enabling a slower ramp up of activity at the new site supporting staff and patients in adjusting to the new environment. The four-stage model of change assisted in the smooth implementation of a transition plan for radiation oncology. |
Small43 | 2016 | Quantitative | Survey | Isreal Deaconess Medical Centre, Boston, Massachusetts, USA | Surgical orthopaedic trauma unit. | Kotter’s 8-step | To describe the implementation of a bedside handoff process using Kotter’s change model and the DMS to report the implementation effects on nurse compliance, patient and nurse satisfaction, and their perceptions of the process. | Thirty (88%) of the patients reported that a bedside communication occurred between 2 nurses at change of shift. Twenty-nine (96%) were satisfied or very satisfied that nurses per- formed this communication at the bedside. Furthermore, all of the patients expressed satisfaction in the manner the information was shared |
Sokol57 | 2020 | Case Study | Surveillance data | Academic health care centre, US |
Family medicine clinic | Lewin’s Three-Step Change Theory, and McKinsey 7S Model of Change | Describe our 5-year process of using cultural and structural elements to support change management for safe opioid prescribing and opioid use disorder treatment. |
Change management theory to support both safe opioid prescribing and treating patients with OUD over the past 5 years resulted in changes to the practices, people, skills, and infrastructure in the clinic. |
Sorensen44 | 2016 | Qualitative | Semi-structured group interview | Ambulatory care clinics, Minnesota, United States of America | Pharmacists and medical practitioners from six health systems with a well-established medication management program | Kotter’s 8-step | To describe the influencing the adoption, growth and sustainability of medication management services | A supportive culture and team-based collaborative care are necessary for medication management services’ sustainability. |
Spira61 | 2017 | Quantitative | Surveillance data and surveys | Two hospitals, Uganda | Maternity Departments | Accelerated Implementation Method | To increase the use of intrapartum and postnatal essential interventions (EIs) in two hospitals in Uganda | EIs that were regularly used had no improvement, however, seldom used EIs had a significant improvement in use due to the implementation package of activities developed |
Spira62 | 2018 | Quantitative | Surveillance data | Two tertiary teaching hospitals, Nepal | Maternity Departments | Accelerated Implementation Method | To increase the use of intrapartum and postnatal essential interventions (EIs) in two hospitals in Nepal | Only the timely administration of antibiotics caesarean increased, with all other EIs not showing improvement |
Stoller46 | 2010 | Mixed method | Randomised control trail, observational and in-person interviews | Respiratory therapy department, Cleveland clinic, Cleveland, Ohio | RCT on 145 patients, 71 RTCS groups and 74 physicians. Interviews on 8 RT department leaders | Kotter’s 8-step, and Silversin and Kornacki’s model - Amicus | Implementing respiratory care protocols to reduce misallocation of respiratory care | There were 11 desired featured to the change. Understanding and embracing change is important. |
Tetef58 | 2017 | Multi method | Surveys and feedback interviews | Union hospital, southern California, USA | The organization as a whole | Lewin’s change model and Roger’s diffusion of innovation theory | Implement a successful bronchial thermoplastic program, while maintain patient safety and ensuring staff competency | The program was success at a union level by using Roger’s theory, the BT program was successful because planning and development of the program. Also, with leadership of change which includes acknowledging the feelings and social and emotional aspects of the staff |
Townsend45 | 2016 | Quantitative | Retrospective Review | Emergency Department, Southern New Jersey, United States of America | 1000 patients per quarter over 2 years | Kotter’s 8-step | To reduce ED falls by implementing fall reduction plan and a specific risk fall assessment | During the first quarter of the intervention there was an increase in falls without injury (potentially due to staff awareness) and a decrease in falls with injury. In the second and third quarters of the intervention, the number of falls significantly dropped, with zero falls with injury in the third quarter. |
Westerlund55 | 2015 | Qualitative | Survey and Interview | 3 hospitals within a Region in Sweden | Change Facilitation Staff, managers and clinic staff | Lewin’s change model | To achieve a system wide organisational change | The study highlighted the need to clarify the division of roles and responsibilities between managers, facilitators and others, as well as ownership of the change process |