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. 2021 Mar 16;8:84. doi: 10.1038/s41597-021-00871-5

Table 1.

Benthic community and coral type descriptions and their class codes used for photoquadrat annotation.

Class Code Description Group Simplified Group
ACR_BRA Acropora formosa, branching Montipera Branching Hard Coral
ACR_BRA_B_ Acropora formosa, branching Montipera - Bleached Branching Hard Coral
ACR_HIP Acroporidae Hispidoes; thick branches, predominantly hispidose Branching Hard Coral
ACR_HIP_B_ Acroporidae Hispidoes; thick branches, predominantly hispidose - Bleached Branching Hard Coral
ACR_OTH Acroporids with indeterminate shape, predominantly cuneiform Branching Hard Coral
ACR_OTH_B_ Acroporids with indeterminate shape, predominantly cuneiform - Bleached Branching Hard Coral
ACR_PE Encrusting Monipora Plate Hard Coral
ACR_PE_B_ Encrusting Monipora - Bleached Plate Hard Coral
BRA_TAB_Ac Acropora tabular/corymbose/plate Plate Hard Coral
BRA_TAB_B_ Acropora tabular/corymbose/plate - Bleached Plate Hard Coral
BRA_DIG_Ac Acropora digitate, branches resembling fingers Branching Hard Coral
BRA_DIG_B_ Acropora digitate, branches resembling fingers - Bleached Branching Hard Coral
FAV_MUS Favia, Favites, Platygyra, Goniastrea, Diploastrea, Lobophyllia Massive Hard Coral
FAV_MUS_B_ Favia, Favites, Platygyra, Goniastrea, Diploastrea, Lobophyllia - Bleached Massive Hard Coral
MASE_OTH Massive, submassive, encrusting colonies of undetermined taxonomic group Massive Hard Coral
MASEoth_B_ Massive, submassive, encrusting colonies of undetermined taxonomic group - Bleached Massive Hard Coral
TFP_RDG_Al Thin, foliose or plating colonies with visible relief structures on the plates Plate Hard Coral
TFP_RDG_B_ Thin, foliose or plating colonies with visible relief structures on the plates -Bleached Plate Hard Coral
TFP_RND_Al Thin, foliose or plating colonies with visible rounded corallites on the plates Plate Hard Coral
TFP_RND_B_ Thin, foliose or plating colonies with visible rounded corallites on the plates - Bleached Plate Hard Coral
BRA_OTH Branching other Branching Hard Coral
BRA_OTH_B_ Branching other - Bleached Branching Hard Coral
OTH_HC Other HC not assigned to any other category HC Other Hard Coral
OTH_HC_B_ Other HC not assigned to any other category - Bleached HC Other Hard Coral
POCI Pocilloporidae sp. (includes Seriatopora and Stylophora) Branching Hard Coral
POCI_B_ Pocilloporidae sp. (includes Seriatopora and Stylophora) - Bleached Branching Hard Coral
POR_BRA Porites cylindrica, Goniopora (Poritidae branching) Branching Hard Coral
POR_BRA_B_ Porites cylindrica, Goniopora (Poritidae branching) - Bleached Branching Hard Coral
POR_ENC Porites lichen (Poritidae encrusting) Massive Hard Coral
POR_ENC_B_ Porites lichen (Poritidae encrusting) - Bleached Massive Hard Coral
POR_MASS Porites lobata, P. lutea (Poritidae massive) Massive Hard Coral
POR_MASS_B_ Porites lobata, P. lutea (Poritidae massive) - Bleached Massive Hard Coral
GORG Sea Fans/Plumes; Gorgonia, Pseudopterogorgia Soft Other
GORG_B_ Sea Fans/Plumes; Gorgonia, Pseudopterogorgia - Bleached Soft Other
ALC_SF Common large fleshy Alcyoniidae representatives Soft Other
ALC_SF_B_ Common large fleshy Alcyoniidae representatives - Bleached Soft Other
OTH_SF Other soft coral (not sea fans) Soft Other
OTH_SF_B_ Other soft coral (not sea fans) - Bleached Soft Other
Other All other All other Other
MINV_COTS Crown of thorns sea star, Acanthaster planci Invertebrates Other
MOB_INV Mobile invertebrates 1 (sea cucumber, urchin) Invertebrates Other
OTH_SINV Other sessile invertebrates (zoanthids, anemones, corallimorphs, sponges, clams, etc) Invertebrates Other
Lobph Lobophora; fleshy algae Algae Algae
Turbin Turbinaria sp. Algae Algae
MAECBS Erect Course Branching Brown: Sargassum sp. Algae Algae
Pad Padina sp. (pencil shavings) Algae Algae
Dicsp Dictyota sp. Algae Algae
Chlor Chlorodesmis sp (turtle weed); green filamentous Algae Algae
MACR_Cal_H Calicifying algae: Halimeda Algae Algae
Caul Caulerpa sp., green algae Algae Algae
Cya_spe Cyanobacterium sp. Algae Algae
ALG_OTH Other algae Algae Algae
CAL_CCA_DC Crustose Coralline Algae on dead coral Rock Rock
CAL_CCA_RB Crustose Coralline Algae on rubble Rubble Rubble
EAM_DHC Epithelial algal matrix smothering dead hard coral (Turf on Rock) Rock Rock
EAM_RB Epithelial algal matrix smothering rubble (Turf on Rubble) Rubble Rubble
Sand Sand Sand Sand
BMA_sand Benthic microalgae on sand Sand Sand
Seagrass Seagrass, any type Other Other
TAPE Line or hardware Other Other
Unk Unknown, but represents something (annotator doesn’t know what it is) Other Other
Unc Unclear; point falls in a shadowy, blurry, dark area Other Other
WATE Blue background Other Other

Manual and automated (machine) annotation utilized the full labelset (63 class codes). Following machine annotation, these 63 class codes were aggregated via broad groups into six simplified groups for validation of the machine learning.