Fig. 2.
Environmental niche grids generated for each Sporothrix species after principal component analysis, and niche grid overlapping of the ancestral species (S. schenckii) with the recent species (S. globosa). Panels a and b show the occurrence densities per environmental cell for S. schenckii (a) and S. globosa (b) on specific environmental combinations. The solid and dashed contour lines illustrate, respectively, 100% and 50% of the available environment. The correlation circle (panel c) indicates the weight of each bioclimatic variable on the niche space defined by the first two principal components axes, PC1 (39.22%) and PC2 (23.28). Panel d shows the niche grid overlapping of the ancestral species (S. schenckii) with the niche grid of the recent species (S. globosa). Green represents the environmental conditions occupied by S. schenckii and not by S. globosa (unfilled, U). Red indicates expansion (E) and represents environmental conditions only occupied by S. globosa. Blue represents environmental conditions occupied by both species (niche overlapping)