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. 2020 Oct 6;52(1):279–288. doi: 10.1007/s42770-020-00383-1

Table 1.

Epidemiological and laboratory features of HIV-negative patients with cryptococcosis hospitalized in the period of time between July 2016 and June 2019 at the Tropical Medicine Foundation Dr. Heitor Vieira Dourado (Manaus-Amazonas-Brazil)

Anonymized patient number
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Gender M F F M F F M
Age (in years) 50 23 41 25 52 10 53
Initial symptoms (before diagnosis) Headache, fever, vomiting, ocular pain, asthenia, photophobia, weight loss Headache, photophobia, nausea, vomiting, diplopia, irritability Headache, stiff neck, vomiting, photophobia, night sweats, face palsy, weight loss Headache, stiff neck, fever, seizure, photophobia, weight loss Headache, seizure, photophobia, ocular pain, stiff neck, lethargy Headache, fever, vomiting, hyporexia, weight loss, asthenia Headache, fever, vomiting, hyporexia, asthenia, weight loss
Symptoms developed during the hospitalization Intestinal constipation, decrease of consciousness, spikes of HBP, weight loss Paresis IM, seizures, decrease of consciousness Intestinal constipation, seizures, anemia, delirium, asthenia, weight loss Decrease of consciousness, paresis ISM, dysphagia, anemia, dysarthria, fever, peripheral neuropathy Intestinal constipation, decrease of consciousness, tongue palsy, seizures Intestinal constipation, seizures, delirium, strabismus Decrease of consciousness, stroke, delirium, weight loss
Duration of initial symptoms until diagnosis (days) 180 150 30 15 730 90 15
Occupation Construction worker Housewife Teacher Farmer Housewife Student Commercial manager
Medical history Depression, pericardial tuberculosis Ganglion tuberculosis Malaria (5 times)
Comorbidities Hypertension Intestinal tuberculosis Diabetes, hypertension Diabetes, hypertension
CSF level of proteins (mg/dL) 25.0 109.0 59.0 52.0 22.1 29.0 26.7
CSF level of glucose (mg/dL) 47.0 3.0 59.0 44.0 102.0 61.0 46.0
Clinical form CM CM CM CM CM CM CM
Treatment AmB + FLU AmB + FLU LAmB-L+ FLU AmB + FLU AmB + FLU AmB + FLU AmB + FLU
Time of hospitalization in the ICU (days) 4 5 26 5
Sequelae* Ocular choroiditis (R) Loss of vision (R, L) Decrease of visual and hearing acuity Facial palsy (R), dysarthria, motor dysfunction Decrease of visual Loss of vision (R), decrease of vision acuity
Time of hospitalization (days) 18 20 57 100 13 85 15
Clinical outcome Death Death Recovered Recovered Death Recovered Death
Microorganism isolated C. gattii (VGII/ST20) C. gattii (VGII/ST5) C. gattii (VGII/ST5) C. gattii (VGII/20) C. gattii (VGII/ST20) C. gattii (VGII/ST20) C. gattii (VGII/ST560)

HBP high blood pressure, CM cryptococcal meningitis, ICU intensive care unit, ISM inferior and superior members, AmB amphotericin B, LAmB liposomal amphotericin B, FLU fluconazole; (˗)=not reported; F female, M male, CFS cerebrospinal fluid, R right, L left. *In the present work, sequels were considered pathologies that persisted after the end of hospitalization and antifungal treatment