Fig. 1.
Browser image of recommended names for overlapping ORFs. UCSC Genome Browser images showing our recommended names and the number of amino acids (below name) for overlapping ORFs (light green or pink background for ORFs whose codons are shifted 1 or 2 nucleotides, respectively, in the 3′ direction from those of the main ORF, white background). AUG (green) and stop codons (red) are shown in each of three positive-sense genomic reading frames. (A.). 5′ end of Spike ORF (S) containing ORF2b (39 codons). B. ORF3a containing ORFs 3c (41 codons), 3d (57 codons), 3d-2 (33 codons), and 3b (22 codons). The region homologous to SARS-CoV ORF3b, which overlaps the 3′ half of ORF3a and the 5′ end of the envelope protein ORF (E) is also shown (light blue background). Note that ORFs 3a, 3c, and 3d are in different reading frames (+0, +1, and +2, respectively), so the 59 nucleotide region common to all three could be a rare example of RNA translated in three different reading frames. C. Nucleocapsid ORF (N) containing ORFs 9b (97 codons) and 9c (73 codons). (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.)