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. 2021 Mar 17;2(1):15. doi: 10.1007/s43621-021-00026-x

Table 3.

Profiles of the focus group participants and facilitators and overview of the online sessions (June–October 2020)

Sessions/presenter Description

Session 1

Giuseppe Scandone

Leader of QG Enviro, Italy

Environmental education in the pandemic: a chance for rethinking

QG Enviro, before the pandemic was strongly focused on international projects on environmental education and the SDG's. Youth Exchanges, etc. But lockdown and travel restrictions changed the situation. Is it really important for young people to travel around for short term projects? How can we correlate better the international work we do with the local communities in our region? If we start working more on online programs, what are the pros and cons of it? The discussion is still ongoing, some potential solutions are slowly crafted. What we all agree in QG Enviro is that the next future will see our organization developing at least another field or SDG (sustainable agriculture, tourism), in order to have a better resilience to unexpected events

Session 2

Dr. Stefan Cibian

Executive Director

Făgăraș Research Institute

ICF Rumania

Global trends in international development with impact on global sustainability

Departing from the transformation that the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) have brought with regard to the global efforts to foster development and enhance sustainability. The SDGs represent, in many ways, a departure from previous approaches to doing development, emphasizing the universality of assumed targets, a much wider thematic agenda, new central actors, and an important focus on finances. All of these are deeply affected by the COVID-19 crisis. During the discussion we will explore together the implications of the crisis on the SDGs and the macro-trends in development

Session 3

Edna Martinez

Consultant in Sustainability Proactivo Sostenible—Mexico

Sustainable Production and Consumption as driver of the SDGs in the post COVID era

From global to local and from waste to no trace, consumption will drive the agenda post COVID-19. Companies will boost the implementation of the agenda from their social corporate responsibility moving from traditional welfare to an essence where their contribution will respond to their core business. Institutions (public and private) are in the magnifying glass, there governances, social and environmental impact is being scrutinized by citizenship and consumers. Their role is being either applauded or taunted, this will make a significant difference in the implementation of the 2030 Agenda that could boost sustainable development

Session 4

Pourya Saleehi

Urban planner, and sustainability and resilience expert who is also the Researcher Officer at ICLEI World Secretariat in Bonn

The impacts of COVID-19 on SDGs: "The critical aspects and potential consequences of COVID-19 for the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): Green Recovery as a way forward"

Discussion about the green recovery as a way forward for bouncing back better from COVID-19. Exploring how COVID-19 offers an opportunity to accelerate towards achieving the SDGs as behavior changes have begun to shift towards green practices in some aspects of everyday life, and the importance of protecting ecosystems has been made highly apparent

Session 5

Filip Nelkovski

Senior Project manager (UNDP)

innovation, building resilient infrastructure

North Macedonia

Taking advantage of the crisis towards building Sustainable cities and communities: "The impacts from pandemic on urban mobility and How COVID-19 helps in meeting SDGs for creation of car-free cities

If we want to act and save the planet, to meet the SDG's on sustainable communities and see people moving freely not by car, a more revolutionary approach is needed. COVID-19 did a lot of problems in our lives. However, the pandemic also helped communities to start more direct approach in delivering mobility in the cities still governed by the cars. Reducing our dependence on petrol cars is not only good for personal health, but it creates a better future for all

Sessions 6

Prof. Dr. Bernd-Friedrich Voigt

Professor of business psychology at FOM—Hochschule für Oekonomie & Management Münster/Germany

Title: COVID-19 induced technostress and its effects on SDGs 3 and SDG8

Recent developments under COVID-19 have brought radical changes for most of us—at work and at home, likewise. Our professional, our social and our private lives are more than ever forced into a digital environment. An enormous number of the working population, is reported as of feeling overly stressed by the radicalness of changes and the technological impetus. A currently running study among 1000 German workers allows the preliminary conclusion, that technostress and technostrain under the conditions of COVID-19 lockdown and extended home-office can be seen as substantial threats to SDGs 3 (Good Health And Well-Being) and 8 (Decent Work And Economic Growth). In addition to technologically induced stress, insufficient self-management competences and poor digital leadership must be seen as pivotal strain enhancers

Session 7 Dr. Kalterina Shulla Chair RCE middle Albania Associated Researcher/ZEF Centre for Development Research/University of Bonn

Discussion of the results of the individual sessions

Evaluation of the findings from the six individual sessions and revaluation of how far the analyses represent the group discussions

Pproject: effects of COVID-19 on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), funded by iac Berlin