Fig 2.
A 63-year-old man with a progressively enlarging unruptured basilar artery tip aneurysm. A, The aneurysm had increased from 8 to 13 mm in a 1-year follow-up angiogram, and a circumferential encasement of the left PCA had developed. B, Stent-assisted coil embolization was performed after the Prowler Select Plus microcatheter was re-advanced to the initial position over the stent-loading wire. C, A second Enterprise stent was deployed following the coil embolization. D and E, Final control angiogram (D) reveals near-complete embolization of the aneurysm sac and a well-preserved left PCA (E, white arrowheads). F, The 18-month follow-up lateral angiogram reveals a stable state of the aneurysm occlusion.