Human, animal and in vitro proteomic studies
Reference | Study type | Periodontal condition | Sample type | Microbial species | Findings |
Bostanci et al (2018)32 | Human | Healthy, gingivitis, chronic periodontitis, aggressive periodontitis | Saliva | Increased MMP9, ras-related protein, actin | |
Decreased clusterin, malignant brain tumor proteins | |||||
Marinho et al (2018)31 | Human | Chronic periodontitis | Gingival crevicular fluid | Increased RGNEF, S100A8, S100A9, immunoglobulins | |
Decreased actins, MARCKS, glutathione transferase | |||||
Batschkus et al (2018)33 | Human | Chronic periodontitis | Gingival crevicular fluid | Trichloroacetic acid/acetone precipitation increased protein identification by 32% | |
Belstrom et al (2016)34 | Human | Periodontitis | Saliva | Increased complement and coagulation cascades | |
Monari et al (2015)35 | Human | Periodontitis | Periodontal pocket tissue | Increased S100A9, HSPB1, LEG 7, and 14-3-3 | |
Trindade et al (2015)36 | Human | Chronic periodontitis | Saliva | Increased metalloproteases, MMP9 | |
Bertoldi et al (2013)40 | Human | Periodontitis | Periodontal pocket tissue | Increased annexin A2, actin cytoplasmic 1, carbonic anhydrase 1&2, immunoglobulin kappa chain C region and flavinreductase Decreased 14-3-3, heat-shock protein, triosephosphateisomerase, peroxiredoxin, fatty acid binding protein, galetin 7 |
Salazar et al (2013)39 | Human | Periodontitis | Saliva | 20 proteins increased by 1.5-fold | |
Silva-Boghossian et al (2013)37 | Human | Chronic periodontitis | Gingival crevicular fluid | 43 proteins only detected in periodontitis: 10 for cell differentiation, 3 for cell organization, 1 for coagulation, 8 for immune response, 9 for metabolism, 8 for signal transduction, 2 for transport, 2 no specific function | |
Baliban et al (2012)41 | Human | Chronic periodontitis | Gingival crevicular fluid | Human proteins: neutrophil defensin, carbonic anhydrase, elongation factor | |
Bacterial proteins: 33 kDa, iron uptake, phosphorenolpyruvate carboxylase, ribulose biphosphate carboxylase, coenzyme A transferase | |||||
Carneiro et al (2012)29 | Human | Healthy | Gingival crevicular fluid | In healthy proteome data, 57% of proteins can be defined in plasma, 43% in gingival crevicular fluid uniquely | |
Range etal (2012)38 | Human | Periodontitis in obesity | Saliva | Increased albumin, hemoglobins, defensin (defensin uniquely in obesity and periodontitis) | |
Choi et al (2011)43 | Human | Moderate periodontitis | Gingival crevicular fluid | Increased azurocidin | |
Goncalves et al (2010)47 | Human | Gingivitis | Saliva | Increased serum albumin, hemoglobulin, immunoglobulin, keratin | |
Heo et al (2011)45 | Human | Healthy, gingivitis, moderate periodontitis, severe periodontitis | Gingival crevicular fluid | Increased S100A2, S100A8, S100A9 | |
Mizuno et al (2011)46 | Human | Aggressive periodontitis, chronic periodontitis | Blood (neutrophils) | Increased lactoferrin, caldesmon, heat-shock protein and stac | |
Bostanci et al (2010)48 | Human | Generalized aggressive periodontitis | Gingival crevicular fluid | Increased PMNs, MMP8, cathepsin, myeloperoxidase | |
Goncalves et al (2010)47 | Human | Gingivitis | Saliva | Increased albumin, hemoglobin and immunoglobulin Decreased cystatin | |
Haigh et al (2010)49 | Human | Severe periodontitis | Saliva | Increased S100A8, S100A9, S100A6, haptoglobin, prolactin, parotid secretory protein | |
Bostanci et al (2018)30 | Primates | Chronic periodontitis | Gingival crevicular fluid | Cp40 downregulated periodontitis-related proteins: C09, C05, C03, CFAH, C08B, IC1, C04A, IGHM, IGHA2, IGHG1, C07 | |
Davis et al (2016)65 | Canine | Progression from gingivitis to mild periodontitis | Gingival crevicular fluid | Increased haptoglobin | |
Huynh etal(2015)61 | Canine | Healthy, gingivitis, and chronic periodontitis | Gingival crevicular fluid | Increased complement, immunoglobulins, keratin, fibronectin, lactotransferrin, 14-3-3, defensin, actin | |
Decreased cystatin | |||||
Veith et al (2018)66 | In vitro | P. gingivalis | In heme limitation: binding and transporting heme proteins were increased | ||
In heme excess: heme efflux proteins were increased | |||||
Bao et al (2017)68 | In vitro | A. actinomycetemcomitans | Increased ribosomal origin, proteolysis, carbon metabolism, iron transport | ||
Bengtsson et al (2017)69 | In vitro | P. gingivalis | PLNC8 increased growth factors, cell proliferation, decreased apoptosis | ||
Llama-Palacios et al (2017)67 | In vitro | A. actinomycetemcomitans | Increased YeaT, FtsZ, OMP39, OMP18/16, chaperone, OMPA, adenyldate kinase, dihydrolipoamide acetyltransferase | ||
Kieselbach et al (2015)73 | In vitro | A. actinomycetemcomitans | Outer membrane proteins activate innate immunity through NOD active pathogen pathways | ||
Stobernacket al (2016)70 | In vitro | P. gingivalis | Increased citrullinating enzymes to target bacterial and human proteins | ||
Preiano et al (2016)71 | In vitro | Healthy biofilm | Decreased HNP-3, S100A8, S100A9 in health, suggesting S100A as a diagnostic biomarker | ||
Bao et al (2015)72 | In vitro | Complex | Increased cytoskeletal, stress, apoptosis, antigen presentation, biofilm lysate proteins | ||
Bostanci et al (2015)74 | In vitro | Complex | Increased inflammation and apoptosis Decreased tissue turnover | ||
Kieselbach et al (2015)73 | In vitro | A. actinomycetemcomitans | Increased LtxA, putative virulence-related proteins | ||
Ogita etal (2015)75 | In vitro | Healthy biofilm | Increased galectin-7 for wound healing after laser treatment | ||
Veith et al (2018)66 | In vitro | P. gingivalis | Increased CTD proteins and virulence factors at the outer membrane | ||
Cogo et al (2012)80 | In vitro | P. gingivalis | After exposure to nicotine, increased phosphormannomutase, spot, OxyR, rubrerythrin, RagA, prostaglandin 50, aminopeotidase, peptidase, elongation factor, RRF, Rho | ||
Kishi et al (2012)77 | In vitro | P. gingivalis | Increased prostaglandin N0743, prostaglandin N0876, prostaglandin N1513, and prostaglandin N0729 | ||
Zainal-Abidin et al (2012)79 | In vitro | Complex- P. gingivalis, T. denticola and T. forsythia | Increased HusA, HusB | ||
Decreased HmuY | |||||
Zijnge etal (2012)78 | In vitro | A. actinomycetemcomitans | Increased extracellular virulence proteins | ||
Pham et al (2010)81 | In vitro | T. forsythia | Increased lipoproteins, TonB, oxidative stress response | ||
Decreased butyrate, pyruvate, metabolism, amino acid biosynthesis, trichloroacetic acid cycle |
14-3-3, 14-3-3 protein; CFAH, complement factor H; CO3, cytochrome c oxidase subunit 3; CO5 complement component C5; CO7 complement component C7, complement component C7 precursor; CO9 complement component C9a; CO4A complement component C4-A; CO8B complement component C8 beta chain; CTD, C-terminal domain; FtsZ cell division protein stands for “Filamenting temperature-sensitive mutant Z”; IC1 plasma protease C1 inhibitor; HmuY a novel heme-binding protein of Porphyromonas gingivalis, stands for “hemin utilization protein”; HNP-3, neutrophil defensing 3; HSPB1, heat shock protein family B; HusA Hemin uptake system protein A; HusB Hemin uptake system protein B; IGHA2, immunoglobulin heavy constant alpha 2; IGHG1, immunoglobulin heavy constant gamma 1; IGHM, immunoglobulin heavy constant mu; LEG 7 Galectin 7; LtxA, leukotoxin; MARCKS, myristoylated alanine-rich C-kinase substrate; MMP-8, neutrophil collagenase; MMP-9, matrix metalloproteinase-9; NOD nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain; OMP18/16, outer membrane protein 18/16; OMP39, outer membrane protein 39; OMPA outer membrane protein A; OxyR redox-sensitive transcriptional activator, PLNC8, plantaricin NC8; PMN, polymorphonuclear leukocyte; RagA transport and binding activity RagA protein, Ras-related GTP-binding protein A; RGNEF, Rho guanine nucleotide exchange factor 28; RRF, ribosome releasing factor; S100A protein S100A; S100A2, protein S100-A2; S100A6, protein S100-A6; S100A8, protein S100-A8; S100A9, protein S100-A9; TonB, protein TonB; YeaT.