(A) Detection of HA-tagged proteins after immunoprecipitation (IP) of TWIST1 (IP: α-TWIST1) from lysates of O9-1 cells transfected with constructs expressing TWIST1 (input blot: α-TWIST1) and the HA-tagged proteins partners (input blot: α-HA). (B) Schematics of CHD7, CHD8, and TWIST1 proteins showing the known domains (gray blocks) and the regions (double arrows) tested in the experiments shown in panels C and D. (C, D) Western blot analysis of HA-tagged proteins (α-HA antibody) after GST-pulldown with different TWIST1 domains (illustrated in B). Protein expression in the input is displayed separately. T, full-length TWIST1; N, N-terminal region; C, C-terminal region; bHLH, basic helix-loop-helix domain; TA, transactivation domain.