Figure 2.
How m6A modification affects the impact of [Mg2+] variation and aminoglycoside addition on the efficiency of codon reading by T3. Fractions of GTPs hydrolyzed on T3 (y-axis) at different free [Mg2+] values and reaction times (x-axis, log10 display) for T3 reading of unmodified (A) GAA (closed black squares), GAA + paromomycin (Par) (open black squares), GAU (closed red circles), GAU + Par (open red circles) and modified. (B) Gm6AA (closed black squares), Gm6AA + Par (open black squares), Gm6AU (closed red circles), Gm6AU+Par (open red circles). kcat/Km-values for GTP hydrolysis on T3 (y-axis) at different free [Mg2+] values for T3 of unmodified. (C) GAA (closed black squares), GAA+Par (open black squares), GAU (closed red circles), GAU+Par (open red circles), GAU+Neo (open green circle) and modified. (D) Gm6AA (closed black squares), Gm6AA+Par (open black squares), Gm6AU (closed red circles), Gm6AU+Par (open red circles). All kcat/Km-data are summarized in Table 1. (A) and (B) were performed at 2.3 mM Free Mg2+.