Fig. 4.
Loss of Ezh2 in the Tbx1 expression domain causes severe thymic hypoplasia in E18.5 embryos. (A-D) Heart and thymus preparations from E18.5 embryos. Note the small thymus in Ezh2cko embryos (arrows). (E) Section of an E18.5 control (Tbx1Cre/+;Ezh2flox/+) thymus stained with DAPI (blue for nuclei) and immunostained with an anti E-Cadherin (CDH1) antibody (red). (F) Section of an Ezh2cko thymus at the same magnification as in E. An adjacent section is shown magnified in F′. Note the large number of CDH1-lined cysts, which are also present, but in a very small number, in control embryos (arrows).