A, Alternative to sulfide, nucleophiles (Nuc) including GSH, sulfite, and methanethiol are capable of adding into the cysteine trisulfide to form a slowly decaying dead-end complex. The right panel (adapted from Ref. 93 Supplemental Figure 2) shows SQOR embedded in nanodiscs (20 μM, black trace) rapidly mixed with sulfite (500 μM) and monitored over a period of 14 s for the formation of an alternative CT complex (red trace), with an absorbance maximum at 675 nm. B, Active site of human SQOR co-crystallized with CoQ (orange sticks) and soaked with sulfite (PDB: 6OIC), which contained a stable 201Cys persulfide-to-FAD CT complex in crystallo. C, Active site of ACADS crystallized with bound CoA persulfide (PDB: 2VIG), shown as blue sticks. In panels B and C, the sulfane sulfur in 201Cys-SSH and in CoA-SSH persulfide are shown as yellow spheres.