Figure 5: Change in PROs 12 Months (T5) after SVR by Age (n=1277).
NOTE: PRO: Patient Reported Outcome. SVR: Sustained Virologic Response. BL: Baseline. 1-yr Post-Tx: 1-year Post-Treatment. SD: Standard Deviation. CI: Confidence Interval. TMSAS scores (Overall Symptom Burden) multiplied by 10. TMSAS score is on 0-40 scale. HCV-PRO score is on 0-100 scale. HCV-PRO mean change score was reverse coded for consistency with other PROs. Positive change scores represent worse PRO scores; negative change scores represent better outcomes. The 5% MIC for PROMIS symptoms=2.5 points, for TMSAS =3.0, for HCV-PRO=4.0.