Table 1:
Summary of materials, methods, and results from studies incorporating nanomaterials into 3DP scaffolds
Material(s) | Cell Type/ Animal Model |
Method | Results | Citation # |
HA scaffold. PCL NPs containing BMP-2 | primary MSCs, rabbit model | Dip-coated particles onto scaffold | Improved ALP activity in MSCs; improved bone regeneration in rabbit calvarial defect | 44 |
PEGDA/GelMA scaffold. PLGA nanospheres containing TGF-β1 | primary MSCs | Mixed nanospheres with liquid ink before printing | Increased expression of genes associated with chondrogenic differentiation | 51 |
PCL scaffold, polydopamine coating, PLGA NPs containing IGF-1 | primary MSCs, primary rabbit chondrocytes | Coated scaffold with polydopamine before co-incubation with NPs | Enhanced cell viability; increased expression of chondrogenic markers | 52 |
PEGDA scaffold, PLGA NPs containing BSA | PC-12 neural cells, primary cortical neurons | Mixed NPs with liquid ink before printing | Increased average neurite length and total neurite length in PC-12 cells | 54 |
PVA and bioglass scaffold, chitosan/pDNA NPs | primary MSCs, rhesus monkey model | Added NPs and cells to printed scaffolds prior to surgical implantation | Improved bone regeneration in rhesus monkey mandibular model | 53 |
PLLA scaffold, tubular and spherical polypyrrole NPs | L929 fibroblasts | Dissolved PLLA in solvent with NPs before printing, then lyophilized printed scaffolds | Inclusion of NPs was minimally cytotoxic; enhanced conductivity | 55 |
PLLA scaffold, CaP NPs, BMP-2 and BSA protein | primary MSCs | PLLA emulsion mixed with CaP NPs and protein solutions before printing on a cryogenic stage, then lyophilized printed scaffolds | Improved compressive strength with addition of CaP NPs; trend of improved attachment and differentiation | 59 |
Poly(ester urea) scaffold, HA nanocrystals | MC3T3-E1 cells | Dissolved poly(ester urea) in solvent with HA nanocrystals before drying and melting into filament, printed filament into scaffolds | Improved cell viability in 30% HA scaffolds; enhanced ALP activity; increased expression of both osteocalcin and bone sialoprotein | 60 |
Alginate gel scaffold, SiO2 NPs | primary MSCs | Mixed NPs with liquid ink before extrusion | Improved compressive modulus and MSC viability; reduced swelling and degradation | 61 |
Alginate gel scaffolds, ZnO NPs | MITC-STO fibroblasts, S. epidermis | Mixed NPs with liquid ink before extrusion | Increased stiffness; antimicrobial properties; no cell toxicity observed | 63 |
PCL scaffold, CNTs | H9C2 myoblast cells | Mixed CNTs with PCL in solvent before printing | Inclusion of CNTs did not impact cell viability; increased elastic modulus conductivity, maximum load, and hardness of scaffolds | 45 |
Methacrylated collagen, alginate, and hybrid scaffolds, CNTs | primary endothelial cells | Mixed CNT solution with liquid ink before printing | Inclusion of CNTs did not impact cell viability; conductivity and mechanical properties were improved | 65 |
PCL/polyethylene oxide scaffold, CNTs | H9C2 myoblast cells | Mixed CNTs with PCL/polyethylene oxide solution before printing | CNTs decreased cell attachment; cells could still proliferate and align with scaffold | 66 |
PEGDA scaffold, CNTs | neural stem cells | Mixed CNTs with liquid ink before printing | Increased average neurite length; electrical stimulation induced neuronal gene expression | 67 |
PCL scaffold, CNTs | primary MSCs | Mixed CNTs with melted PCL before printing | CNTs improved hardness, elastic modulus, compressive modulus, and viability | 68 |
PPF scaffold, ssDNA/CNT nanocomplexes | MC3T3-E1 cells | Printed PPF scaffolds which were then ammonolyzed and coated with ssDNA-CNT complexes | Toxicity and aggregation of CNTs reduced; increased scaffold conductivity; enhanced expression of osteogenic markers | 69 |
PEEK scaffold, silver NPs, polydopamine coating | MG-63 osteoblast-like cells, E. coli, S. aureus | Sequentially dip-coated with polydopamine and then silver nitrate, followed by UV exposure to form silver NPs | Silver NPs conferred antibacterial activity; slight decrease in cell viability | 46 |
Alginate gel scaffold, iron oxide NPs | primary endothelial cells | Mixed NPs with liquid ink before printing | NPs can be magnetically manipulated within cells and within scaffold; NPs are trackable with μCT | 72 |
PCL scaffold, TiO2 NPs | MC3T3-E1 cells | Mixed NPs with polymer solution before casting in 3DP-derived scaffold cast | Improved mechanical properties; no effect on ALP activity | 73 |
GelMA scaffold, gold NPs | primary MSCs | Mixed NPs with liquid ink before printing | NPs were visible with μCT; no effect on cell viability | 74 |