Fig. 17. Plasmonic transport, sorting, and lithography.
a Simple transport protocols on a two-dimensional conveyor belt. b Position versus polarization angle for 390-nm beads. c Separation of 1- from 2-μm particles by an external electric field. Upper: both types of particles were trapped at 10 kHz; lower: expulsion of 2-μm particles from the trap, leaving only 1-μm particles remaining captured at 25 kHz. d Transport of a TiO2 nanoparticle along a silver nanowire. The scale bar is 5 μm, and the power of the laser was 50 mW. e Enantioselective optical trapping of chiral nanoparticles with plasmonic tweezers. f Building plasmonic structures composed of nanowires on a metal film. a Adapted with permission from ref. 320, Copyright 2014 American Chemical Society. b Adapted with permission from ref. 319, copyright 2014 American Chemical Society. c Adapted with permission from ref. 174, Copyright 2014, American Chemical Society. d Adapted with permission from ref. 78, Copyright 2016, The Royal Society of Chemistry. e Adapted with permission from ref. 335, Copyright 2016, American Chemical Society. f Adapted with permission from ref. 154, Copyright 2014, American Chemical Society