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. 2021 Mar 17;10:59. doi: 10.1038/s41377-021-00474-0

Table 2.

Parameters, properties and applications of structureless plasmonic trapping platforms

Modulation Materials Trap stiffness Optical force/potential depth Applications
Unfocused plasmonic field Propagation Polystyrene and gold ∼25 fN144 Particle transport145
Stationary mode

Ag nanoparticles146

Ag core-Au shell147

−23 kBT373

Dynamic lithography146

Single-molecule SERS147

Focused plasmonic field Polarization

Dielectric particle60

Gold particles, nanorods60,154,164

ZnO nanowires155

2.33 pN/μm164

0.0768 pN/μm91

SERS detection150,163

Fabrication of plasmonic devices

Phase Gold particles160,161 −22.7 kBT161 Plasmonic spanner
Focal plane Dielectric and gold particles65,163 ~1.5 (a.u.)65 Particle sorting65