Fig. 6.
Ossification in spine soft tissues by CT in AS patients. a Male, aged 45 years. 1 Supraspinous ligament and Interspinous ligament. 2 Vertebral disk. 3 Supraspinous ligaments. 4 Posterior longitudinal ligaments. b Male, aged 37 years. 1 Anterior longitudinal ligament. 2 Interspinous ligament. 3 Interspinous ligament and supraspinous ligament. 4 Interspinous ligament and ligamentum flavum. c Female, aged 33 years. 1 Vertebral disk. 2 Interspinous ligament and Ligamentum flavum. 3 Interspinous ligament. 4 Anterior longitudinal ligaments. The right four panels show magnified views of the red boxed area in the left panels. d Hypothetical diagram of pathological progression of AS. Excessive TGF-β is produced by abundant immune cells due to autoimmune disease, then TGF-β recruits MSCs results in chondrocytes proliferation, hypertrophy, and calcification. Numbers of giant osteoclasts keep resorbing calcified cartilage and freeing TGF-β from lap, continuous high level of TGF-β recruits MSCs for vessels formation and osteoblasts differentiation, osteoclasts also induce the innervation process