Fig. 5. α-Catenins are autophagy substrates.
a Scatterplot of all proteins uniquely identified in both SILAC experiments (L light, M medium, H heavy amino acids). Fold change (x-axis and y-axis for experiment A and B, respectively) are shown as log2. Scatterplot of the proteins upregulated ≥ 2 fold under bafilomycin A1 (BafA1) treatment is shown on the right. b Representative α-catenins (CTNNA3 and CTNNA1) immunoblotting in double ATG7/10 knockdown MCF10A cells. The experiment was repeated at least twice with similar results. c CTNNA3/GAPDH (left panel) and CTNNA1/GAPDH (right panel) densitometry in MCF10A cells exposed to either control or ATG7/ATG10 siRNAs. The graphs show the mean ± s.d. (CTNNA3/ GAPDH, n = 3 independent experiments) and mean ± s.e.m. (CTNNA1/ GAPDH, n = 5 independent experiments; ***P < 0.001, *P < 0.05; two-tailed one sample t-test). d Representative immunoblots of Ctnna3 levels in wild-type and Atg16L1 hypomorph (Atg16 hyp) primary cortical neurons. The graph shows the Ctnna3/Gapdh levels: mean ± s.d. (n = 3 independent experiments; *P < 0.5; two-tailed one sample t-test). e Representative α-catenins (CTNNA3 and CTNNA1) immunoblots in MCF10A cells under starvation with EBSS (6 h). The experiment was repeated at least twice with similar results. f CTNNA3/GAPDH (left panel) and CTNNA1/GAPDH (right panel) densitometry in MCF10A cells starved in EBSS for 6 h. The graphs show the mean ± s.d. (n = 3 independent experiments; **P < 0.01, *P < 0.05; two-tailed one sample t-test). g Representative α-catenins (CTNNA3 and CTNNA1) immunoblots in MCF10A cells treated with the autophagy inducer Tat-Beclin1 peptide (20 µM for 48 h). Tat-scrambled peptide was used as control. The experiment was repeated at least twice with similar results. h Representative immunoblot of mEm-CTNNA1 in MCF10A cells exposed to BafA1 (200 nM, 16 h). The MCF10A cells were transiently transfected with mEm-CTNNA1. The graph shows the mEm-CTNNA1/GAPDH levels: mean ± s.d. (n = 6 independent experiments; *P < 0.05; two-tailed one sample t-test). i Representative immunoblot of mEm-CTNNA1 in MCF10A cells exposed to autophagy inducers: SMER28 (20 µM) and EBSS for 6 h. The graph shows the mEm-CTNNA1/GAPDH levels: mean ± s.d. (n = 3 independent experiments; **P < 0.01, *P < 0.05; two-tailed one sample t-test). Exact P values for asterisks: c (from left to right) 0.0280, 0.0009; d 0.0461; f (from left to right) 0.0069, 0.0181; h 0.0301; and i (from left to right) 0.0340, 0.0036.