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. 2021 Mar 4;11:626394. doi: 10.3389/fonc.2021.626394

Table 4.

Tumor specific characteristics of 26 patients receiving photodynamic therapy for cancer of the oral cavity or oropharynx with oral cavity extension.

PDT tumor characteristics
n° Location L/R Subsite Rec. or new tumor TNM Tumor grade
1 OC + OP Left Tonsillar fossa + trigonum retromolare New primary T2N0M0 NOS
2 OC + OP Midline Soft palate + hard palate New primary T2N0M0 Well-to medium diff
3 OP Right Base of tongue, vallecula First rec. of first primary T2N1M0 Poorly differentiated
4 OP Midline Base of tongue, vallecula New primary T1N1M0 Poorly differentiated
5 OP Left Tonsillar fossa, lateral wall First rec. of first primary TisN0M0 Carcinoma in situ
6 OP Midline Soft palate First rec. of first primary T1N0M0 NOS
7 OC Midline Hard palate Second rec. of first primary TisN0M0 Carcinoma in situ
8 OP midline Soft palate First rec. of first primary T2N0M0 NOS
9 OC + OP right Soft palate + trigonum retromolare First primary T1N0M0 NOS
10 OC left Tongue First rec of second primary T2N0M0 Poorly differentiated
11 OC right Trigonum retromolare, lateral tongue New primary T1N0M0 Well-to medium diff
12 OP midline Posterior oropharynx New primary T2N0M0 Well-differentiated
13 OP right Soft palate First rec of second primary T3N0M0 NOS
14 OC right Hard palate, trigonum retromolare Second rec. of first primary T1N0M0 Medium differentiation
15 OC left Hard palate, trigonum retromolare Second rec. of first primary T1N0M0 NOS
16 OC right Trigonum retromolare New primary T1N0M0 Well-to medium diff
17 OP right Soft palate New primary T2N1M0 NOS
18 OC + OP Left Soft palate + trigonum retromolare New primary T3N0M0 Well-to medium diff
19 OP Right Soft palate New primary T1N0M0 NOS
20 OP Right Posterior oropharynx wall New primary T1N0M0 NOS
21 OP Right Soft palate New primary TisN0M0 Carcinoma in situ
22 OP Right Base of tongue + floor of mouth First rec. of first primary T3N0M0 Well-differentiated
23 OC Right Floor of mouth Second rec. of first primary T3N0M0 Verrucous carcinoma
24 OP Left Soft palate, lateral wall New primary T2N0M0 Medium differentiation
25 OC Left Trigonum retromolare First rec. of first primary T1N0M0 Medium differentiation
26 OP Right Posterior oropharynx First rec. of first primary T2N0M0 Medium differentiation

OC, oral cavity; OP, oropharynx; rec., recurrence; NOS, not otherwise specified; diff, differentiation.