Figure 3.
Tumor growth in survivors following rechallenge with 4T1. Tumor resected mice that survived to day 120 after treatment with α-galactosylceramide (α-GalCer)-loaded dendritic cells (DCs), vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV), combination of VSV and α-GalCer-loaded DCs (figure 2) were rechallenged in the contralateral mammary fat pad with 2×05 4T1 cells. (A) Tumor volume was compared with tumors grown in naïve mice (n=4–7 per group, except n=1 for VSV group). (B) Metastatic burden at day 25 was compared with naïve tumor-bearing mice (n=4–7 per group, except n=1 for VSV group). *p<0.05 compared with naïve control.