Figure 6.
Integration of citrus response to CLas from transomic analysis. Selected nitrogen and sulfur metabolism transcripts (circled) or proteins (boxed) regulated by CLas at 10 and/or 14 weeks post graft infection are depicted by bold arrows (black: CLas up; red: CLas down). Proteomics: Downregulation of photorespiration proteins in CLas grafted trees: glycine decarboxylase (GlyD, week 10), serine hydroxymethyltransferase (SHMT, week 10), and glutamate synthase (GOGAT, weeks 10, 14). Transcriptomics: CLas upregulation of glutamate decarboxylase (GluD; GABA biosynthesis, week 10). Downregulation of aspartate metabolic enzymes asparagine synthetase (AS, week 14), aspartate kinase/homoserine dehydrogenase (AK/HD, week 10). Predicted AK/HD feedback inhibition by lysine, threonine, and/or S-adenosylmethionine (SAM) is depicted. Upregulation of SAM metabolism, including SAM synthetase (SAMS, week 10, 14) and SAM-derived hormone metabolism, including ACC oxidase (ACCO, weeks 10, 14) and SAM decarboxylase (SAMD, week 14). Upregulation of 5′-adenylsulfate reductase (APSR, week 10), downregulation of sulfite reductase (SR, week 10) impacts sulfate assimilation into cysteine.