GenTree Platform metadata |
m01.spec |
Species abbreviations |
Abies Alba (AA), Betula pendula (BP), Fagus sylvatica (FS), Picea abies (PA), Pinus cembra (PC), Pinus halepensis (PH), Pinus nigra (PN), Populus nigra (PO), Pinus pinaster (PP), Pinus sylvestris (PS), Quercus petraea (QP), Taxus baccata (TB) | |
Country abbreviations |
Isocode 6133–2; Austria (AT), Switzerland (CH), Germany (DE), Spain (ES), Finland (FI), France (FR), Great Britain (GB), Greece (GR), Italy (IT), Lithuania (LT), Norway (NO), Sweden (SE) | |
Site numbers |
Running numbers of sites per species 01–24 | |
Complete site-ID per species |
Merger of m01–m03 |
m05.tree.num |
Tree numbers |
Running numbers within sites 01–25 | |
Complete tree ID |
Merger of m01–m03, m05 | |
Site name |
| |
Latitude |
Decimal degrees, WGS84 |
m09.lon |
Longitude |
Decimal degrees, WGS84 |
GenTree Platform phenotypes |
p01.height |
Height |
Tree height, m |
p02.dbh |
Diameter at breast height, cm |
p03.bark |
Bark thickness mean |
Mean value of bark thickness, cm |
p04.trunk |
Trunk straightness/flexuosity |
5: Absolutely straight; 4: fairly straight (in 1 direction slightly crooked); 3: slight to moderate bend in different directions; 2: moderate or strong bends; 1: no straight stem |
p05.branch |
Branch angle |
1: <23° (steep); 2: 23–45°; 3: 45–67°; 4: 67–90° (plain); 5: >90° |
p06.fork |
Forking index |
1: Fork at the lower third of tree height; 2: fork at middle third; 3: fork at upper third; 4: no fork—multiplied by 10 and then divided by the number of stems |
p07.canopy.1 |
Canopy projection REP 1 |
Crown diameter projection, m |
p08.canopy.2 |
Canopy projection REP 2 |
Crown diameter projection, m | |
Crown ellipse |
Area of an ellipse (di/2)*(dj/2)*π, m2
| |
Crown size |
As some only have 1 diameter, round areas with the mean diameter [(di+dj)/2]2*π, m2
p11.regeneration |
Natural regeneration |
1: Absent; 2: scattered; 3: groups; 4: abundant |
p12.fruit.mean |
Fruit/cone number |
Number of fruits |
p13.basal.area |
GenTree Platform in situ environmental measurements |
e01.plant.cover |
Total plant cover |
1: None; 2: little (5–20%); 3: low (20–40%); 4: medium (40–60%); 5: high (60–80%); 6: very high (80–95%); 7: full cover (>95%) |
e02.comp.index.a |
Competition index A |
CI assessed following Canham et al. [23], and multi-stems as the sum |
e03.comp.index.b |
Competition index B |
CI assessed following Canham et al. [23], and multi-stems assessing the sum of basal areas and then the DBH |
e04.comp.index.c |
Competition index C |
CI assessed following Lorimer [24], and multi-stems as the sum |
e05.comp.index.d |
Competition index D |
CI assessed following Lorimer [24], multi-stems assessing the sum of basal areas and then the DBH |
e06.status |
Dominant, co-dominant |
e07.elevation |
Elevation of the tree |
Meters above sea level |
e08.slope |
Slope at the tree level |
Slope in degrees |
e09.aspect |
Aspect at the tree level |
0–360° |
e10.soil.depth |
Mean soil depth |
Mean of 3 measures (measurement to a maximum depth of 60 cm) |
e11.stone.content |
Mean stone content |
Mean of 3 measures: 1: none; 2: little (5–20%); 3: low (20–40%); 4: medium (40–60%); 5: high (60–80%); 6: very high (80–95%); 7: full cover (>95%) |
e12.rock.cover |
Total rock cover |
1: None; 2: little (5–20%); 3: low (20–40%); 4: medium (40–60%); 5: high (60–80%); 6: very high (80–95%); 7: full cover (>95%) |