Response of neuroblastoma cell lines Kelly and LA-N-1 to SR13800 treatment. In lactate assays, treatment with the MCT1 inhibitor SR13800 for 4h increased intracellular lactate in Kelly (A) and LA-N-1 (B). (C–D) NADH/NAD+ ratio in Kelly (C) and LA-N-1 (D) cells treated with 0.1μM SR13800 for 6h. (E–F) In GSH assays, Kelly and LA-N-1 were treated with vehicle, 5μM BSO control or SR13800 for 24h and intracellular levels of GSH were determined. Data is presented as means ± SD (n=3). *P < 0.05, ***P<0.001, ****P<0.0001 compared to vehicle control.