Figure 2.
Emotion recognition task. (A). Violin plots depicting the accuracy of the emotion recognition task, regardless of the posed emotion. Results show a significant main effect of Condition (TM, SM, NM). Emotion recognition in SM was significantly worse than both NM and TM, while no difference was found between NM and TM. (B). The figure illustrates, for each emotion, the impact of the presence/type of mask. Significant effects were found for Happiness, Sadness and Fear, with a significant drop for SM with respect to both TM and NM. No effect was found for the Neutral faces. (C). The figure illustrates, for each condition, which emotions were more affected by the presence/type of mask. Results show a mild but significant main effect of Emotion in TM and a stronger effect in SM, but no effect in NM. See Table 1 for post-hoc results. Error bars indicate confidence intervals. Horizontal bars indicate significant results (*p < .01; ** p < .001). Abbreviations: N: neutral, H: happiness, S: sadness, F: fear.