Seeds of the double mutant hise1-3 psat1-2 have an abnormal seed coat. (a) Scanning electron micrographs of the surface of wild-type, hise1-3, psat1-2, and hise1-3 psat1-2 seeds. Six seed grains of each genotype were inspected with similar results. co, columella. (b) Transmission electron micrographs of the seed coat of wild-type, hise1-3, psat1-2, and hise1-3 psat1-2 seeds. co, columella; pe, perisperm endosperm; sc, seed coat; ii1, inner integument 1; oi1, outer integument 1. (c) Transmission electron micrographs of the seed coat of hise1-3 psat1-2 seeds at high magnification. The left panel is the same cell as that of Figure 2(b) (hise1-3 psat1-2). co, columella; ii1, inner integument 1; oi1, outer integument 1