Fig 7. Alanine to threonine mutation at HA169 resulted in significant antigenic change in Anhui/13 H7 HA.
(A) Mutagenesis to Anhui/13 H7 HA Site directed mutation was conducted on plasmid expressing wildtype (WT) Anhui/13 HA. The mutation is expected to result in alanine to threonine substitution at HA169 (H7 numbering), primer F = forward primer, primer R = reverse primer (B) Change of cross-reactiveness by the mutagenesis The plasmid with mutation was expressed as virus-like particle (VLP) tested for the reactivity to anti-H7 panel sera. Individual HAI titer was plotted. The box indicates the mean± standard deviation. *p<0.05, **<0.1, dotted line: protection cut-off (80 HAI unit). (C) Predictive location of mutation on the HA trimer The trimeric structure of Anhui/13 H7 HA was generated using the 3D-JIGSAW algorithm, and renderings were performed using MacPyMol. The trimeric structure was based on the structure on protein data base (PDB number = 4N5J). The putative antigenic site B and mutation site (H7 HA169) was shown in blue and red, respectively. Dashed circle indicates receptor binding site.