Box 2 Quotes regarding IPF follow-up care after treatment initiation
"[…] I am not involved in that, they do… they do their job and I am the direct object. Do I have to tell them what to do? Well, it doesn't work like that, does it?” Patient6 | |
“That (the consultation) is usually one-way traffic, a doctor sits there saying everything, the patient assimilates […].” HCP8 | |
"[…] each time, I end up in front of a stranger, they might read my file, but besides that, there is no personal uhm contact". Patient9 | |
“Patients attend the consultation, always see someone else, are not always given an equal opportunity to speak to a nurse and that, of course, frequently causes problems. Hence patients with a more difficult situation or those with more side effects, sometimes slip through the net. We don't screen for that. The next time they will see another assistant who will make notes, but yes then it does get a bit lost". HCP1 |