Fig. 9. Cargo velocity and load-sharing for a team of two dynein motors permanently attached to their microtubule track.
In panel (a), the average velocity of a cargo driven by a team of two catch-bonding dynein motors is shown as a function of the load force at ATP concentrations of 1mM (circles) and 2mM (squares), and in the absence of catch-bonding (“slip-bond”), i.e. for a positive value of in step 4 (8nm steps) (see Table 1), at 1mM ATP (triangles). To prevent motor detachment in these simulations, we set the detachment rate rdet = 0 (Eq.4). Panels (b-d) show the frequency distributions of the forces acting on the two individual catch-bonding motors for cargo forces of 2pN(b), 5pN(c), and 8pN(d) at 2mM ATP. The distributions are truncated at the load force Fl because the force on an individual motor cannot exceed the load force on the cargo.