Figure 1.
CD46 exon 13 skipping is upregulated in bladder cancers
(A) Schematic representation of the CD46 exons structure to highlight the alternative splicing between exons 12 and 14 generating CD46-CYT1 and CD46-CYT2 variants. (B) Diagrams for detection of CD46-CYT1 and CD46-CYT2 mRNA. Primer pairs and product sizes for the two variants are shown. (C) Expression of CD46-CYT1 and CD46-CYT2 mRNA in 27 paired bladder cancer tissues (T) and adjacent nontumor tissues (N) by RT-PCR. GAPDH transcript level was used as the loading control. The ratio for 13−/13+ is listed below the panel. (D) Quantification of data from (C) for the exon 13 exclusion inclusion ratio. The data were analyzed by a paired Student’s t test. ∗∗∗p < 0.001.