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. 2021 Jan 20;134(4):1217–1231. doi: 10.1007/s00122-021-03768-4

Table 1.

Flowering-time candidate genes and coinciding SV identified between 7 elite parental lines within QTL for flowering time analyzed in a B. napus multiparental elite population (n = 354)

QTL name Size of LD block in kb Start–end position Number of genes/flowering-time genes in Darmor-bzh Number of genes/flowering-time genes with structural variants* Gene IDs Blast2GO annotation of gene Name: size and type of SV (relative to Darmor-bzh) PCR assay name: product size polymorphism (see Fig. 3)
A02_1 352 12,297–364,239 92/10 (10.9%) 14 / 2 (14.2%) BnaA02g00160D; BnaA02g00910D Pollen development; regulation of flower development SV1: 373 bp deletion; SV2: 64 bp deletion P133: 1130 bp/757 bp; P255: 419 bp/362 bp
A02_2 498 6,311,854–6,810,319 59/8 (13.6%) 6/1 (16.7%) Promoter of BnaFT.A02; BnaA02g12130D (BnaFT.A02) -; photoperiodism, flowering, positive regulation of flower development SV3: 1,361 bp deletion; SV4: 288 bp deletion P311: 1924 bp/563 bp; P416: 797 bp/519 bp
A02_3 451 22,569,685–23,021,163 73/3 (4.1%) 2/0 (0%)
A02_4 383 24,112,932–24,495,807 72/11 (15.3%) 5 / 2 (40%) BnaA02g33650D; BnaA02g33940D Circadian rhythm; entrainment of circadian clock SV5: 1,313 bp deletion; SV6: 35 bp deletion P513: 819 bp/no product; P632: 667 bp/632 bp
C02_1 331 512,169–842,796 70/0 (0%) 2/0 (0%)
C02_2 860 1,028,042–1,888,045 153/11 (7.2%) 2/1 (50%) BnaC02g03640D Regulation of flower development SV7: 38 bp insertion P732: 262 bp/300 bp
C02_3 360 3,168,965–3,528,564 62/5 (8.1%) 10/0 (0%)
C03_1 914 2,434–915,986 190/23(12.1%) 11/0 (0%)
Sum 4,149 - 771/71 (9.2%) 52/6 (11.5%)

Flowering-time genes were defined according to Schiessl et al. (2015) as genes associated by Blast2GO with at least one of the following gene ontology terms: flower, vernalization, photoperiod, circadian, floral, vegetative to reproductive, vegetative phase change, pollen carpel, sepal, petal