Figure 4.
Protocols for animal experimentation and morphometrical analysis. (A) Outline of low-density lipoprotein receptor knockout (LDLR −/−) minipigs experiment. (B–E) Images of coronary arteries from LDLR −/− minipigs before stent implantation. (B) Angiographically, mild stenosis due to arteriosclerosis is visible. (C–E) Eccentric fibro-fatty plaques (arrows) are observed on intravascular ultrasound. (F–I) Grading of peri-strut inflammation for semi-quantitative analysis. (F) Grade 0, absent, few inflammatory cells. (G) Grade 1, mild, fewer than 20 inflammatory cells per high power field (HPF). (H) Grade 2, moderate, fewer than 50 inflammatory cells per HPF. (I) Grade 3, severe, more than 50 inflammatory cells per HPF. (J) Tissue characteristics are evaluated for the neointima above the stent strut and the neointima distant from the stent struts. (K, L) All sections of stented regions harvested from porcine coronary arteries are immunostained for anti-CD31 antibody. The total luminal circumference (K) was measured and the lengths of re-endothelialized regions (arrows in L) were added up. The ratio of the re-endothelialized region was calculated (F–J; hematoxylin–eosin, K, L; immunohistochemistry for anti-CD31 antibody. C, D *; stent strut).