fig 1.
A–C, Axial MR angiographic source images through the midbrain of a 31-year-old male volunteer obtained using a 3D-TOF sequence (31/7/1) with 0.81 mm between images and displayed from caudal (A) to cranial (C). The AChA can be seen bilaterally. The left AChA (long arrow) is visible from its point of origin from the carotid artery (A) throughout its cisternal segment (A and B) and as it runs along the medial aspect of the uncus and curves laterally along the medial aspect of the temporal lobe (gyrus ambiens) before crossing the cisterna ambiens to enter the choroidal fissure (C). The AChA on the right side (short arrow) is visible at its origin (B) and along its cisternal course (C).