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. 2005 Jan;26(1):119–127.


Location of MTR decrease in patients with CISSMS compared with control subjects

Cluster No. k Value Corrected P Value t Value X Y Z Location
1 142 .012 6.70 0 −42 21 CC splenium
2 2112 <.001 6.68 −2 −11 19 CC genu
6.41 −6 −27 7 Left thalamus
6.23 6 −17 16 Right fornix
5.93 0 −6 24 CC body
5.89 8 18 3 Right caudate
5.66 −8 16 10 Left caudate
5.31 22 −16 32 Right OF
5.30 28 −30 24 Right parietal WM
5.21 8 −27 11 Right thalamus
5.17 14 −10 34 Right cingulum
3 50 .040 6.22 36 −17 8 Right insula
4 39 .035 5.86 36 17 −3 Right insula
4.30 38 6 −4 External capsule
5 55 .009 5.69 −24 37 46 Left BA8
6 236 <.001 5.12 28 −37 6 Right optica radiata
5.08 38 −37 6 Right ILF
4.64 34 −44 19 Right SLF
7 34 .049 4.89 −16 −14 36 Left cingulum

Note.—CC indicates corpus callosum; OF, occipitofrontal fascicles; WM, white matter.