Principal eigenvector maps obtained from diffusion tensor imaging.
A, Axial color map corresponding to the main direction of the white matter fiber orientation: by convention, blue indicates fibers (e.g., corona radiata) running in the superior to inferior direction, green indicates anterior to posterior (e.g., superior longitudinal fasciculus), and red indicates right-left fibers (e.g., corpus callosum). In our patient, the white matter fibers show deviation in the main direction of the diffusion tensor around the abnormal gray matter of the schizencephalic cleft (asterisk).
B, In a healthy individual, the cingulum (arrow) is a long thin fascicle, lying immediately superior to the corpus callosum, oriented in an anterioposterior direction.
C, The cingulum in our patient (arrow) is shortened and distorted. Note also thinning of the corpus callosum (red) below the cingulum.