Fig 3.
A 37-year-old woman with headaches and a communicating quadrigeminal cistern AC (patient 15).
A, CTC performed 2 hours after an intratechal injection of contrast agent shows no enhancement (arrow). Intracystic attenuation was 9 HU.
B, CTC at 12 hours shows mild enhancement (51 HU, arrow).
C, CTC at 24 hours shows clear enhancement (88 HU, arrow).
D and E, Transverse (D) and coronal (E) T2-weighted images (TR/TE/NEX, 7400/115/1).
F, Midsagittal PC cine MR image (TR/TE/flip angle, 70/15.8/10°) shows no evidence of communication (arrow). No signal intensity alterations were seen on transverse and coronal images (not shown).